
Our news releases and news stories have won a variety of awards, but more importantly, they win the attention of editors and reporters who cover preK-12 education. We excel at identifying story opportunities that cast a positive light on our clients and help maximize exposure. We do this with in-depth analyses of the subject at hand and by linking it to bigger trends, issues, and topics of interest to reporters. Being “outside” counsel allows us to provide clients with a fresh and objective look at any potential topics.

Success Story
Scientific Learning’s groundbreaking Fast ForWord software program strengthens the cognitive skills required to read and learn effectively. The company’s challenge was taking a hard-to-understand, academically lofty concept (how neurons fire in the brain) and presenting it in a way that mainstream K-12 educators as well as the educational trades could easily accept. Eicher Communications positioned the concept as “you can use all the reading interventions you want, but if struggling readers’ brains aren’t prepped with foundational skills, they can’t make the reading gains that they should.” The education sector has embraced the concept, and Scientific Learning has been featured in prominent education publications such as Phi Delta Kappan, School Administrator, Education Week, District Administration, and Scholastic Administration.